Sunday, December 16, 2012

The 18 week yuck!

After my concerts, like clockwork, I came down with the yuck. Apparently, my body was not happy with me after dress rehearsals, getting sick Tuesday and working a 13 hour day, and the putting on more concerts on Wednesday. By Thursday night I was done! I got sent home from work on Friday and found out that I have Bronchitis. When you get pregnant everyone tells you how awful you will feel, morning sickness, being uncomfortable, headaches, swelling. None of this has been an issue. So far things have been pretty easy and uneventful. What the doctors don't prepare you for is when you get a virus and you can't take anything to feel better. That is the pits! Eventually, my cough got so bad that they put me on an antibiotic, but they said it may not help since it could be viral bronchitis. So I am taking lots of naps and trying to feel better before everyone comes for Christmas. Jason had been wonderful and he has been taking care of a lot of the house stuff while I have been down and out. Hopefully, I will be back to my old self soon.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Not being able to take medicine is the worst! I will prepare you, if you are planning on breast feeding, this will not end. You constantly have to be concerned with what you are eating and drinking :)