Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Eve

Jason and I were so lucky this year that we got to stay at home for Christmas. We had my parents come for a few nights and then Jim, Debbie, Wes, and Lauren came for a week. Flash even had Lauren's dog Dakota to play with for the week. Luckily, they tired each other out for the most part. We also got a white Christmas on our first Christmas at home. 

For Christmas Even dinner we had a standing rib roast and our plan was to go to church. However, the roads were terrible, so we ended up having to stream Christmas Eve service on the TV. The dogs got to play out in the snow and we went to church in our PJ's. It was a wonderful Christmas Eve.

The start to our white Christmas.

Christmas Eve Dinner

Lauren and Wes and Jim and Debbie

Fun Pictures in the snow....


White Christmas

 Chasing snowflakes:)
Lauren and Dakota

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