Monday, December 3, 2012

Painting and more painting

 The last time Jason and I painted the house we painted the 25 foot walls in our foyer. After that adventure, we swore that we would never paint high ceilings again....well here we go. We painted the upstairs this past weekend and the 25 foot ceilings going up the stairs. We were going to have someone do it, but they wanted a ridiculous price, so we just decided to do it ourselves, and we are glad we did. Although it wasn't fun we saved a lot of money and it looks so much better than the nasty chalky contractor paint that we had. Last time we did the foyer I had paint in my hair for about 3 weeks. I successfully made it through this job with no paint in my hair, which was pretty exciting. We've painted so much, I should be getting better at this.

Flash hates it when we paint. He sits at the bottom of the stairs ad pouts because he wants attention.

 All done!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hahaha! Love the picture of flash! He is too funny!