Monday, December 31, 2012

Arehart Christmas

A few days before Christmas, my parents came up to visit and do their Christmas with us. It was really great because they stayed until Jim and Debbie got to our house and we got to have a big family dinner with both sets of parents in our own house, which was awesome. Our parents hadn't seen each other since we got married, so we figured we needed to get everyone together since it had been 3 and a half years. This year Flash got to open his own presents too. We got some great gifts and so did Baby T, but best of all we got some great time with family.

 Mom and Dad opening gifts and some JMU baby socks for Baby T.

 Yes....that is our child's first set of golf clubs. I guess he or she won't get to decide whether they would like to play golf, apparently it is expected.
 More JMU gear.

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