Sunday, May 11, 2014

First Night in the New House

We had some overlap time between the closing on the new house and the closing on Harper's Way. This gave us some time to move things over slowly, get work done at the new house, do some paining, install ceiling fans, and do LOTS of cleaning. We worked HARD and our life was in utter disarray with half of our things at one place and half in another. We decided after our first weekend of going back and forth that we would just take the pack n play and spend the night so we could work while Cooper was sleeping. We didn't have much in the house but we camped out for the weekend. Starting Monday we needed a weekend from our weekend though. We were exhausted!

 Dinner time! On paper plates of course

 First night in the house. 
 When we woke up we saw that on Sunday mornings all of the hot air balloons take off from the field across from our house. It is so cool to watch!
 New paint in the master bath!

 We obviously had LOTS of help moving

 New paint in the bedroom
 More "help"

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