Thursday, May 1, 2014

Angus Way Closing and our first weekend in the new house

On Friday we closed on our new house!!!!! Soooooo exciting. We aren't officially moving in until May 16th because we want to clean, shampoo carpets, paint, and get ceiling fans put in before we move furniture in. Also, I have a half marathon next weekend and then concert week the following week. We are trying to space out the madness a little. 
Jason and I quickly realized that getting things done was nearly impossible with a baby almost walking. We tried to be as productive as we could though and worked worked worked!!!! We were exhausted when we went to work on Monday!


 First meal in the new house. Super fancy Chipotle
 Flash isn't quite sure what do to with big rooms and no furniture. He is very confused!

 Cooper sitting on daddy's new tractor.

 A much deserved drink on the deck after a hard day of work

 Cooper helping daddy pack boxes at Harpers Way

 I think Flash will be just fine in his new yard.
 We got a set of sunroom furniture from my secretary who was downsizing. Worked perfectly for our sunroom. Finally we have something to sit on in the house when we go over on the weekends to work. Now we just have to paint the random red wall.
Flash enjoying the deck

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