Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wilmington Beach Weekend

This past weekend my college friends and I all got together for a little reunion. My college roomie Erin has been living in Germany for 2 years and is finally home. We haven't all gotten together since our wedding in June, and let's be honest, I didn't really see anyone that weekend. We were glad to have Erin back in the states, and it was so good to see everyone. Unfortunately Jason wasn't able to go with us because he couldn't get off work. He was greatly missed!!!! However, I think Jason was glad to have a weekend at home. I'm not sure when my last weekend home was or will be!!!!! In our second year of marriage I think Jason and I will slow down a little and actually stay at home for once.
Erin's aunt has a beach house in Wrightsville Beach, NC. They have a fabulous boat that we got to drive around the island.
Erin, Mike, and Tones
The beach house.
I know what you're's a rough life!!! However, someones gotta do it! We floated around on tubes all day!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Ok you guys have had a ridiculously fun summer! I thought we did a lot this summer but you have done something awesome every weekend!