Saturday, July 31, 2010

Flashy Goes to Boxerland

While we were at the beach, Jason and I had to leave Flash for a week, which was really hard. He's still a little man and we have never left him before. Luckily, my dad's cousin lives in Roanoke, on the way to the beach. They have 3 show Boxers and an awesome place for the dogs where they basically have free run and lots of property to run around on. It was much easier to leave him knowing he would have some friends. Flash got along so well with the other dogs and had a blast. They had Flash basically boundary trained on all of their land and answering to a fog horn by the time we got back! They said he was so good. I also think Flash may have gotten a little spoiled because I hear that he got to eat steak, elk, and hamburger...AND got a bath in a Jacuzzi tub!!
Surfie...Flash's big boy playmate.
Flash and Ruby. They stayed together most of the weekend and were the best of friends.
Cute little Ruby. Doris and Kerry have some friends who just had new boxer puppies. These puppies are some of Flash's cousins because they use the same bloodline as the breeder we got Flash from. We got to go visit the little pups. They were only 5 weeks old and sooooo cute!
I mean...isn't that little face precious!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh my gosh, those puppies are precious! They have the cutest little faces!