Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

For the fourth of July, Jason and I went to Berlin, MD on the Eastern Shore to stay at our friends beach house with another couple. Although it was super crowded, we had a great time. We made dinner and had drinks on the deck, went to the pool, the beach, and also got in a round of golf.
Out little world traveler. Now that we have a larger car where Flash can spread out in the back, he refuses to ride in the back. We put him back there and we had the front blocked by coolers, suitcases, and golf clubs. Little Houdini managed to find his way through, and squeeze through the door and the front seat and ended up in my lap anyway. So much for our plan.
Flash...patriotic and ready to party.
Our friends Wendy and Carl have a Boston Bulldog mix named Bentley, who was a great playmate for Flash. They got along so well and they played all day.
The view from the pool at the Yacht Club.
The guys!
The girls!!!!
Picture of the SUPER crowded beach. This was at 9am....and this was the "less crowded part" of Ocean City!!!

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