Sunday, October 3, 2010

Virginia Wine Tour Day 2



On our second day of the winery tours, we went to two wineries. We went to King Family Vineyard  and Pollak Vineyards. The weather was great and King Family Vineyard was having a Polo  match as well.

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The beautiful view from Afton Mountain.

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Cole, Janet, Jason, and I on the overlook at Afton Mountain.



Everyone on Afton Mountain.

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Dad, with Cole at Janet, at the King Family tasting. The wine was AWESOME!!!! King Family is a large Southern plantation where they hold polo matches and have huge horse stables along with carriage houses, a tasting room, a view of the mountains, and a fantastic atmosphere. King Family was by far our favorite vineyard. We loved the wine and the views. We got several bottles, and also got some goodies for the Trueblood family Christmas.


Our Picnic at King Family Vineyard.

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Views from King Family Vineyard.

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Cole, Janet, Jason, and I… Life is a Cabernet!!!!


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King Family.

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    IMG_1258 IMG_1259Pollak Vineyard tasting room.

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