Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hike to Catoctin Falls


Jason and I decided to hike the Catoctin Falls trail today since the weather was so nice, the leaves were starting to turn, Flash was feeling better, and we felt like we hadn’t done anything together just the two of us (other than folding laundry and cleaning the house) in a while. Flash had a blast sniffing, getting into everything, and jumping in the creek.

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Flash on his adventure.


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A picture at the falls. Personally, I loved our hike and I was so excited about seeing the 75 foot falls. However, they were more like trickling cascades, not really falls, and they were somewhat anticlimactic.

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Flash splashing through the water.


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Pictures at the lake at the bottom of the falls.

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Erin said...

It looks gorgeous there! And Flash looks back to normal! Yay!! I bet you guys are soo happy to finished with that episode. Hopefully he won't have too many more.

Debbie said...

Jason, do you remember going here when you were little with the Lohmans?