Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Awesomeness at School!



Halloween at school this year was madness. They students and teachers all dress up on Friday and there is a huge parade for the community. We have tons of parents, parties, and the kiddies are hopped up on sugar and cupcakes. LOVE IT!!!!

   For Halloween week, I do all of my music classes in glow in the dark with black lights. I put glow stickers on all of their instruments and their directions and visuals are in highlighter. We had a blast! This is a picture of my 4th graders during glow in the dark week.  


Our related arts team went as pirates this year. The best costume was our male band director who hot a Jack Sparrow wig and the works.


Me and Laura.

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Our Principal (The lion) and another 5th grade teacher.


The parade and some pretty fun costumes!

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Loved these two, a clue game board and a jellyfish.

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Maddie, the Stink bug catcher!!!


Debbie said...

You have to be the coolest teacher ever! None of my teachers were ever as creative as you.

Erin said...

You are so brave! I can't imagine what would happen if I did a class in the dark. I'm sure I would turn the lights back on and have an empty classroom!

Kristy Trueblood said...

Ha ha! I love it. The kids do get a little wild but they have fun!