Saturday, October 30, 2010

Flashy VS. The Gourd

Mid carving, Flashy decides that he is not at all thrilled with the pumpkin shenanigans going on outside, so he decides to attack the pumpkin!.

Pumpkin Carving 2010- Day 1

Jason and I were very excited to carve pumpkins this year. We were very pleased with our creations. We decided to split it up into 2 days because the first 2 pumpkins we chose were on the super difficult list of pumpkin designs. Holy moly they were hard! Jason and I were beginning to wonder if we were in over our heads. We were both surprised we were able to finish them without ruining a pumpkin. We also had a little extra help this year from Flash. All he wanted to do was lick the goop off the pumpkins. YUCK!  More carving to come tomorrow!

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Flash “helping”.

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Very focused:)

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Jason’s pumpkin “eye of newt”


My Freddy Kruger pumpkin.


Jason’s Jigsaw pumpkin.



My Yoda pumpkin I carved for a mom of one of my students who gave us all of the pumpkins from their farm.

Halloween Awesomeness at School!



Halloween at school this year was madness. They students and teachers all dress up on Friday and there is a huge parade for the community. We have tons of parents, parties, and the kiddies are hopped up on sugar and cupcakes. LOVE IT!!!!

   For Halloween week, I do all of my music classes in glow in the dark with black lights. I put glow stickers on all of their instruments and their directions and visuals are in highlighter. We had a blast! This is a picture of my 4th graders during glow in the dark week.  


Our related arts team went as pirates this year. The best costume was our male band director who hot a Jack Sparrow wig and the works.


Me and Laura.

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Our Principal (The lion) and another 5th grade teacher.


The parade and some pretty fun costumes!

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Loved these two, a clue game board and a jellyfish.

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Maddie, the Stink bug catcher!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Halloween Costume Take 1 = EPIC FAIL

So….Flash is supposed to be batman for Halloween. Yes, I know we shouldn’t torture the dog, but our entire neighborhood shuts down for Halloween. Adults, kids, pets, all dress up and it’s a huge block party. We had 250 kids last year. We are trying to get Flash used to the idea of wearing a costume, so we thought we would try out the base of his costume without the chest plate the the batman logo and the cape for our first trial. Well….Flash hates our guts! He was super not thrilled about the idea of a hood and especially the fact that his little ears poke through the hood. So, perhaps we will have to go with a plan B. We will see what we come up with.


Before we made the ear holes. His ears are too big so it wouldn’t stay on.


Fighting it all the way.


Our little gangster….ears through the hood and all. NOT HAPPY. If this picture could talk, I think it would say “I hate you guys!”

Hail to the Redskins!

Sunday night, after the wedding, Jason and I went to the Skins Colts game. We had awesome seats and an awesome parking pass, thanks to Walt the ticket master!!! We had a great time even though they lost. It was pretty amazing to see Peyton Manning in person as well. He’s pretty amazing to watch.


The stadium from our parking space.


The view from our seats.



The big jumbo screens that Snyder wasted millions on:)


A view of the not so popular guy sitting behind us…Dan Snyder.

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Here come the Redskins!

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Loving the game!

Shelley and Brian’s Wedding

This weekend Jason and I went to Waynesboro for our friends wedding. Shelley and Brian got married at Fairfax Hall in Waynesboro. It was a beautiful wedding and we are so excited for them. Unfortunately, I was a very bad photographer and didn’t take many pictures, actually Jason took most,  but we got a few.


  Fairfax Hall


    Shelley and Brian


With Bekah.


The Waynesboro Crew Table + my Aunt Connie and Uncle Rick.


A cheers with my two childhood best friends, Bekah and Jonathan.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hike to Catoctin Falls


Jason and I decided to hike the Catoctin Falls trail today since the weather was so nice, the leaves were starting to turn, Flash was feeling better, and we felt like we hadn’t done anything together just the two of us (other than folding laundry and cleaning the house) in a while. Flash had a blast sniffing, getting into everything, and jumping in the creek.

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Flash on his adventure.


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A picture at the falls. Personally, I loved our hike and I was so excited about seeing the 75 foot falls. However, they were more like trickling cascades, not really falls, and they were somewhat anticlimactic.

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Flash splashing through the water.


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Pictures at the lake at the bottom of the falls.

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