Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Smith Mountain Lake

Typically we get a house somewhere at a ski resort or in the mountains with a group of family friends for the week between Christmas and New Years. This year we decided to try something new and go to Smith Mountain Lake. The house and the view was beautiful. However, unfortunately it wasn't the relaxing vacation we were all hoping for. Right after getting there Jason, Cooper and I all caught a stomach bug. Needless to say, so did everyone else in the house. All 12 of us got horribly sick. So, both of us sick, Cooper sick, the 4 year old twins sick and all of the grandparents sick too was NOT good. Having a sick kid is horrible but then having to try to take care of them when you are horribly sick too is even worse. We did manage to get a few good days in, but it was unfortunate that all of us ended up with the yuck, which is why we don't have too many pictures!

Cam, Carley, and Kendall

Flash was the only one who didn't get sick. He loved his lake vacation!

Carley and Kendall with Cooper

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