Saturday, January 25, 2014

More Snow and More Cold Means S-Days with Cooper!!!!!

 After I got home from Chicago I had Monday off because of Martin Luther King Day, so I got a day with my boy. We got a big snow storm on Tuesday morning so I also got a snow day with Cooper on Tuesday, Wednesday, and a 2 hour delay on Thursday. Not too bad! I got to make up for some lost time with my little man. It has been so cold here, nothing melts, so every bit of snow we get sticks. I haven't seen my grass since almost Thanksgiving. Most days have been about 5 degrees too and I feel like we live in Antarctica!
During our days off Cooper got 2 teeth, learned how to crawl, was pulling up on everything, and also took several steps with his walker!!!!! We need baby gates and baby proofing ASAP! He took forever to get any teeth at all and now he has a mouthful coming all at once.
Although I am away from Cooper during the day for work, I have been very lucky that I have been able to see all of his "firsts" and I have been able to get pictures or videos. It would break my heart if daycare told me that he learned how to crawl, or learned how to do something. I have been very lucky that I have been there when he rolled, sat up, crawled, pulled up, etc. It is wonderful getting to see him change so much and so quickly. It is hard to believe he is almost 8 months old!
 Pulling up.
Walking with the walker
 Playing with Flash

 Crazy boy!

Climbing in the rocking chair

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