Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Day Dinner

 We always go to the O'Dell's house for Christmas day dinner when we are in town. This year was awesome! Everyone was home. I know that my mom and Sharon were so excited to have all of their kids home with all of our spouses and in one place. Rachel and her husband Paul came from Canada and Bekah and Doug came from Richmond. It has been a long time since we were all together and Rachel finally got to meet Cooper. Little Coop is spoiled wherever he goes! He got a mustache book and finger puppets from Bekah and Rachel knitted him a beautiful sweater! She is so crafty and talented! We had a great time and Sharon, Bekah and Rachel made delicious food as always!

All the kids, husbands, and Cooper

The O'Dells

Arehart Fam

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