Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ice Storm

We have had quite the winter this year. We are DONE! We had a really bad ice storm that caused tons of damage and tons of power outages. We had as many trees down with the ice storm as we did with Hurricane Sandy. Although we didn't lose power during Sandy, we lost it during the ice storm. So miserable with a little one. If it were just Jason and I we could camp out and suck it up, but with Cooper it is a whole new ballgame. So, no heat, and no power when recently it has been below zero and out house is encased in ice. FANTASTIC!!!!! After no power for several hours we started calling hotels because we needed somewhere to go for the night because our house was freezing. No such luck. Hotels were booked up to a 2 hour radius because the damage was so bad. None of our friends had power either and we had to work the next day, so we had nowhere to go. We all decided to set up camp in Coop's room with the air mattress and snuggle together (we had no baby monitor either!). 
Cooper was actually thrilled with no power because he got to crawl around with a flashlight. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. He went exploring and also thought it was funny to put the flashlight under his chin and also shine it on Flash and torture him. Glad someone was having fun because I was NOT! We got Cooper changed and put to bed, no bath time because there is no hot water! Luckily the power came on about 3 hours after Coop went to bed. Thank goodness he was able to stay warm for the night. Many of our friends didn't have power for 3 or 4 days. Luckily we did because Cooper's daycare had no power for the rest of the week, so little one had to stay home with us:) What a week!

Little explorer with his flashlight.

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