Thursday, December 26, 2013

Arehart Christmas Morning

 This year we had Christmas morning in Waynesboro. We had a wonderful chilled out morning with yummy food and lots of presents. What a lucky boy Cooper is!!!! He is a little spoiled too. He of course had a ridiculous Santa onesie for his pajamas, which was AWESOME!!!! Also, he got a sled for Christmas...even better! We had a great first Christmas with our little boy!

 I hope the North Pole has more cooperative reindeer than Cooper does!

 The painting we got my parents with their house, that says "Grammy A and Grandad's House"

 Jason got a new golf bag....Lordy lordy, more golf stuff!!!!

 This was probably one of my favorite gifts for Cooper this year. My parents found my old glowworm  from when I was little in our attic. It was my favorite! My dad took the whole inside apart changed out the coils and got it working again for Coop. So, Cooper has my old glowworm all cleaned up and working again. Amazing and so cool!!!

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