Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Week With Grammy A and Grandad

 This past week, I went back to work for teacher work week. It was so sad that my maternity leave was over. I missed this little face so much. All summer, I thought I would be fine going back to work. I can honestly say after having done it, that I was NOT fine, and you can't fully understand leaving and going back to work until you have to do it. I had NO idea how hard it would be, although I knew all along that I was going to have to go back and that we really didn't have a choice. Thankfully, my mom and dad came up for the first week to help us with the transition and keep Cooper for the week. It was a lifesaver! Getting ready for work and getting out of the house is a whole new ballgame these days. It was so much easier to make the transition knowing that my mom was there helping out. Cooper did great with my mom and had lots of fun. I was very lucky to have some cute pictures sent to me throughout the day so I could check on my cutie pie!

 Sleeping with Flash the protector.

 Hanging in the bumbo!


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