Thursday, August 8, 2013

Beach Trip!

This past week we got to take a much needed vacation. We decided to go to a quiet beach this year rather than Myrtle Beach like we have in the past. It was perfect. A friend of my mom's has a house in Emerald Isle North Carolina, so we stayed there. Even Flash got to come to the beach this year. It was so nice taking a vacation with our new growing family.
Cooper did really well at the beach. The ocean put him to sleep so he hung out and napped under the tent the whole week. The car ride however left a lot to be desired and was a bit of a precess. Cooper was great for about 5 hours but after that he was DONE and needed lots of love and attention.

 My dad with the boys. Flash had a blast!
 Walking on the beach

 View from the deck

 Ready to beach it!
 Flash...loving life!
 Frog suit:)

 Pictures with daddy.

 Ready for the beach again!
Whew! The beach is hard work!

 More beach fun

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