Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Going To Daycare

On Sunday we had a very fun family day. We went out to breakfast at an outdoor restaurant so Flash could come with us, and we took a long walk at Baker Park. Monday I started school with students and Cooper went to daycare.

 Afternoon at Baker

 Flash even got to chase ducks around the park. He was super happy.
  What a wiggle worm....trying to get out of his bouncy seat...We need to strap this one in these days.

Off to daycare! Cooper did great....Mommy did not. Jason was so sweet and drove with me to drop him off on the first day even though it was 25 minutes away from his work. Jason knew that was going to be a rough morning for me.

 It makes it all better when I get to come home to this! I love my boys!

It was also really great that Cooper slept through the night 3 nights during our first week back. He is starting to sleep from 8 until 5 AM which is great since we get up for work at about 4:45. What a good sleeper!

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