Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Going To Daycare

On Sunday we had a very fun family day. We went out to breakfast at an outdoor restaurant so Flash could come with us, and we took a long walk at Baker Park. Monday I started school with students and Cooper went to daycare.

 Afternoon at Baker

 Flash even got to chase ducks around the park. He was super happy.
  What a wiggle worm....trying to get out of his bouncy seat...We need to strap this one in these days.

Off to daycare! Cooper did great....Mommy did not. Jason was so sweet and drove with me to drop him off on the first day even though it was 25 minutes away from his work. Jason knew that was going to be a rough morning for me.

 It makes it all better when I get to come home to this! I love my boys!

It was also really great that Cooper slept through the night 3 nights during our first week back. He is starting to sleep from 8 until 5 AM which is great since we get up for work at about 4:45. What a good sleeper!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Week With Grammy A and Grandad

 This past week, I went back to work for teacher work week. It was so sad that my maternity leave was over. I missed this little face so much. All summer, I thought I would be fine going back to work. I can honestly say after having done it, that I was NOT fine, and you can't fully understand leaving and going back to work until you have to do it. I had NO idea how hard it would be, although I knew all along that I was going to have to go back and that we really didn't have a choice. Thankfully, my mom and dad came up for the first week to help us with the transition and keep Cooper for the week. It was a lifesaver! Getting ready for work and getting out of the house is a whole new ballgame these days. It was so much easier to make the transition knowing that my mom was there helping out. Cooper did great with my mom and had lots of fun. I was very lucky to have some cute pictures sent to me throughout the day so I could check on my cutie pie!

 Sleeping with Flash the protector.

 Hanging in the bumbo!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Changing So Fast!

I can't believe how big Cooper is getting. He is changing so fast. He is 10 weeks old and he rolled over for the first time this week. He is also starting to giggle a little and smiles all the time. He found his feet and is also sleeping very well. It seems like there is something new almost everyday. It is so much fun!!!!!

 Feet are so awesome!!!!

 Checking out my toes with dad:)

Maybe I'll try eating my toes:)

 I love this precious face!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cute faces and 2 month check-up

 This was the day after we got back from vacation. Cooper doesn't like it when daddy goes back to work! So pitiful!

Cooper had his 2 month check up. He looks great and the doctor didn't have any concerns. He was 23 1/2 inches and he weighed 11 lbs 5 ounces. He is putting on weight really well but he is so long. He is in the 80th percentile for height but only in the 20th percentile for weight. The doctor said no worries it is just because he is so long and he will definitely chunk up quickly:) Cooper did have to get some shots, which wasn't fun but he handled it like a champ and slept really well the next 2 nights and seems to be very happy!

Summer Project

 Since we got some family pictures at the beach I decided to put up a photo wall of pictures and some of Cooper's baby pictures. I was really happy with how the wall turned out. I had to get at least one project in this summer:)

Family Pictures on the Beach

We decided to take some family pictures on the beach with our camera and take advantage of the beautiful scenery. We only got one family picture done when Cooper had his newborn photos done. We were so happy with the way that they turned out.

Cooper with Grammy A and Grandad


 Love the scrunchy face!!!!!