Friday, May 31, 2013

Welcome to the world Cooper!

 Apologies in advance for the millions of pictures, but we are so excited! Finally after 40 weeks and 4 days, Cooper decided to make his way into the world. We had an interesting few days up until delivery. Starting on Sunday, which was my due date, I started having contractions 5 minutes apart. This is what our doctor told us to look for to come into the hospital. We went to the hospital  on Monday to find out that I was having contractions but we weren't making any progress. They sent me home and told me to call back when my contractions were 3 minutes apart. Once again, the doctor told us to come in to get checked. Sure enough contractions, 3 minutes apart, still no progress. Very Frustrating!!!! They said to go home and call when they were 1-2 minutes apart and REALLY painful. By Wednesday my contractions were horrible and 1-2 minutes apart, so we made our way to the hospital AGAIN! Still no progress but the doctor said that my contractions were so strong that although the don't admit people until they are 4 cm dilated, they couldn't send me home with contractions that bad. We finally got admitted on Wednesday evening at about 7:30 pm.

I had been having contractions and not sleeping for 3 days before we went into the hospital, so needless to say, I was a very happy girl when I got my epidural. However, they made Jason leave when they gave it to me, which I wasn't happy about, but it ended up being a lot less scary than I thought. Once I got admitted things got rolling pretty quick. They put me on Pitocin since my contractions weren't making progress. By 4:00am it was time to push. Cooper took 9 pushes and that was it! He made his way into the world at 4:15 am on Thursday May 30th. It was the most exciting and surreal experience of our lives. Jason and I couldn't be happier. He is beautiful, happy, healthy and he weighs 7 lbs 8oz. 

There will be many more pictures of Cooper to come since Mimi, Pops, and Wesley are coming to visit tonight and Aunt Erin, Aunt Lauren, Uncle Danny, Uncle Kevin, and Cousin Cameron are coming to visit soon too.
 After the epidural.

 Baby Cooper!
 Cooper with mom and with dad.

 Lots of pictures of the sweet boy!

Proud Grammy A!

The day after delivery.

 Proud Grandad.

 Aunt Bekah!

 Sweet little face!

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