Saturday, May 4, 2013

37 Weeks

Yay!!!! 37 Weeks! Cooper is officially full-term and could come any day now. I am doing really well but just starting to get pretty uncomfortable. Jason took some pictures in the nursery. The doctor says that everything is going well. Still no swelling at all, which is awesome. I did just stop teaching zumba this week because zumba, my 3 school concerts next week, and getting everything else ready for the end of the year and long-term sub plans was too much on my plate. Tuesday I have 3 concerts in one day plus my regular teaching schedule. Just hoping Cooper doesn't decide to make a musical debut at one of my concerts. Once my concerts are done, he can come any day he wants:) I officially have 9 days left at work! I think Cooper is going to be a pretty big baby. The doctor thinks he's about 6 1/2 pounds already. Hospital bag is packed and car seats are installed. We are definitely starting our countdown!

 Big Cooper Belly


Erin said...

You are sooo close!! It's almost time to meet Cooper!! You look so great!

ltrueblood87 said...

Yay!!! Cooper is almost here! You look amazing!

Rachel O'Dell said...

Hey Kristy! I just had to come visit your site....thinking about you and your big day coming right up! Wishing you all the best, and that everything goes as smoothly as possible XOXO