Wednesday, May 1, 2013

More Baby Showers!

Well, apparently I wasn't done being ambushed. I must be really oblivious to everything going on around me. My work surprised me with a baby shower after school last Friday. They even called my parents and Jason and snuck them into the building. Jason "pretended" to go to work, and then stayed home so he could make it for the shower. My team is awesome! It was such a nice surprise that the whole faculty pitched in for our family. Jason also got a surprise daddy shower at work on Monday. His boss got Cooper a baby laptop with a note that said she was training Cooper if Jason ever needed a replacement:)

Big Surprise!

A picture wit Kelly who is due 1 week later than me. She is also having a little boy.

 Cutting the cake!

 Baby Shoes

 Jogging Stroller!!!!!! I am so excited about running with Cooper in the B.O.B.!


Erin said...

What a great surprise! And I love the cake! It is soo cute.

Erin said...

What a great surprise! And I love the cake! It is soo cute.

ltrueblood87 said...

Aww that was so sweet of them...and very sneaky of Jason!