Monday, February 4, 2013

Belly Picture 24-25 Weeks

My belly is definitely getting bigger every week. I can see a difference every week. This picture is between 24 and 25 weeks. I am feeling great and I can't complain, just a little stir crazy with all of the cold weather. I am still teaching zumba and taking spinning which is taking care of some of the winter blues. I definitely can't wait until we have some warmer weather so that I can get outside and enjoy some fresh air. 

More Priceless Pregnant Quotes from my Kiddies at School:
" Mrs. Trueblood, did you have your baby yesterday?" (1st grade)
"Mrs. Trueblood, I hope you have a nice baby, some of them can be a real pain"(1st grade)
" Wow! Your belly has really gotten bigger! You must have at least 2 or 3 babies in there!" (Kindergarten)
"When is that thing coming out?" (2nd grade)
"Do you give out F's on report cards if your students tell you that you look plumper than you did last week?" (4th Grade)
"It's a good thing you are "hip and stylish" it would be a shame if you looked pregnant and looked like an old lady" (5th grade)
This one takes the kid came up and tapped my belly, and said (to my belly) "Hey you....can you hear me in there?????" (1st grade)

1 comment:

Erin said...

I don't think your belly looks bigger at all! Cooper must be very squished in there!