Saturday, February 2, 2013

24 Week Appointment

This past week we went for our 24 week appointment. This was my last 2nd trimester appointment, which is very exciting! Everything looked great, and Cooper's heart rate was 147. Everything was very on track and uneventful....we like uneventful. The doctor also cleared me to travel since things have gone so well. Typically if you are high risk, they cut you off from travel starting your third trimester. Since everything as gone so well, they said I am good to go until they tell me otherwise. Cooper had been kicking like crazy these days. He is definitely a mover and a groover. I am still feeling great but my belly is getting bigger quickly. One of my students asked me this week if I had my baby over the weekend and if my baby was good...I think that kid needs to have his eyes checked!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm so glad to hear that your appt went well. Uneventful is definitely the way to go!