Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A little bit of attitude

First of all, I am WAY behind on my blogging. Most of my computer time has been going to my HTML web design class…YUCK! Some of these posts are from a while ago. With Jason’s new job be is traveling a little more frequently. about 3 weeks ago he spend a few nights in Tampa and a few nights in Houston. While he was gone, apparently I got a little bored and felt the need to take videos of the dog to try to send him ridiculous videos from home. Little did I know I was going to get such ATTITUDE from our dog. Needless to say, I had to put this on the blog…I was amused by it.

On a more serious note. While Jason was out of town it was 112 degrees here WITHOUT the heat index and lucky me the AC broke while Jason was gone. Flash and I had to sleep on the floor of the basement trying to keep cool. Poor Jason got home at 2:00 in the morning and didn’t even get to sleep in his own bed. The thermostat in our house was a 99 for 2 days!

1 comment:

Erin said...

99 in your house?? That is so miserable. I think I would have been at a hotel!