Sunday, May 22, 2011

Flashy’s little mishap

On Thursday, Jason and I came home to the following. So, in previous posts we mentioned that Flash likes to bust out of his cage and his pen. We got industrial strength hooks at Lowes and some additional zip ties to reinforce his cage. He is such a well behaved dog, but the bottom line is that he gets upset when we leave him and he gets a little spiteful. He’s never chewed up anything or done anything bad when we’re home with him. The industrial strength hooks were doing well for a while…until Thursday. Flash found a way to get through the hooks. When he got out he chewed through 3 hardback chapter books, 3 textbooks, and a Bible. We think Flash wanted to make sure he had the Bible with him when he heard that the Rapture was coming on Saturday. I guess his master plan didn’t work out. So needless to say we had a pretty big mess to clean up. I suppose it could have been much worse. Besides, we have a very talented dog. Not only can he get out of just about every cage we put him in, but he can make spitballs and poop psalms too! Who else can say that about their dog?



Notice Flash in the background being punished and surveying the situation.

1 comment:

Erin said...

There are no words...