Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday in Leesburg

On Saturday, we finally got a nice weekend without rain so we decided to take advantage of it and go to 2 vineyards in Leesburg and have a picnic lunch. It was so beautiful outside, and the vineyards had live outdoor music. We had a great time relaxing and enjoying the weather.


Pictures at Casanel Vineyards, one of our favorites.




Pictures from Willowcroft Vineyard, a new one we tried. The view was beautiful.


Flashy’s little mishap

On Thursday, Jason and I came home to the following. So, in previous posts we mentioned that Flash likes to bust out of his cage and his pen. We got industrial strength hooks at Lowes and some additional zip ties to reinforce his cage. He is such a well behaved dog, but the bottom line is that he gets upset when we leave him and he gets a little spiteful. He’s never chewed up anything or done anything bad when we’re home with him. The industrial strength hooks were doing well for a while…until Thursday. Flash found a way to get through the hooks. When he got out he chewed through 3 hardback chapter books, 3 textbooks, and a Bible. We think Flash wanted to make sure he had the Bible with him when he heard that the Rapture was coming on Saturday. I guess his master plan didn’t work out. So needless to say we had a pretty big mess to clean up. I suppose it could have been much worse. Besides, we have a very talented dog. Not only can he get out of just about every cage we put him in, but he can make spitballs and poop psalms too! Who else can say that about their dog?



Notice Flash in the background being punished and surveying the situation.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring Chorus and Handbells Concert


My students had their spring chorus and handbell concert this week. I was SO proud of them! They did such an awesome job and they have come so far since their first concert in December. The kids also did some really difficult music. I taped the casual school concert because you can see a little better because there aren’t 300 people in the cafeteria. When we had the concert for the public in the evening, they forgot to request that central office put the AC back on for the evening. So…it was 90 degrees in the cafeteria for our concert. I have about 90 kids in chorus and 11 in handbells. Pirates of the Caribbean was one of my favorites and I was so excited that they were able to pull it off since it is a high school level piece. I was super proud of all of my kids. Here a some videos of a few of the songs that they performed.


In the Hall of the Mountain King
Pirates of the Caribbean
We Are the World

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wedding Day


Getting ready and pictures from the salon on Saturday morning.



Getting ready for the church.






The wedding!



Mr. and Mrs. Brooks!


Those handsome Trueblood boys again.


At the reception.


Trueblood girls.


Cutting the cake!


The garter…Kevin, I’m not so sure about that party shirtSmile


Congrats Lauren and Kevin! We are so excited for you both!

Friday (Bridal Shower and Rehearsal Dinner)


Friday was Lauren’s bridal shower thrown by Caitlyn and Candace. It was such a nice shower. The girls did a really good job. Lauren got to relax (except for the newlywed game) and open some presents.


Lauren with her rehearsal “flowers”.


Friday night was the rehearsal dinner at the Conch House. It was beautiful on the water and the weather was perfect for an outdoor event.





Cameron, hanging out with dad.

Florida Trip (Family Pictures)

This past weekend, we went to Florida for Lauren and Kevin’s wedding. It was beautiful and we had a great time! We were definitely tired when we got back though. I’m sure everyone else is recovering too. It was so great to see everyone for the weekend and it was especially awesome to meet our nephew Cameron, for the first time. He is such a cool little guy! We absolutely love him!

Thursday we took family pictures. I can’t wait to see the real ones, but here are a few that I took.



Cameron riding to the beach for pictures. He’s so happy!


The four Trueblood kids.


Trueblood Kids and Kevin.



Look at the handsome Trueblood boys.


Danny, Erin, and Cameron…what a pretty family.


Lauren and Kevin.