Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wes goes to college!!!!!

Last weekend, Jason and I drove to Charlotte to surprise Wes while he was moving into college. He says he wasn't that surprised, so Jason and I think he perhaps got that gene from someone else in his family who likes to figure out surprises...ahem...Debbie...Anyway, we had a wonderful trip visiting everyone and it was crazy to see little Wes going to college! UNC Charlotte was such a nice school, Jason and I would have gone there in a heartbeat, well we would go to any college in a heartbeat because college is better than the real world. However, he did have a really nice room and lots of cool stuff there to keep him entertained.
Jim looks pretty pumped!
Wes and Debbie.
In front of the student union, which was really nice!
Wes, relaxing in the new pad.
In one of Wesley's classrooms, unfortunately the chairs look very uncomfortable. No sleeping during class.
All of us in Wesley's room.
Jim, Debbie, and Wes in front of the school entrance.

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