Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shelley's Bridal Shower

Last weekend I went to Waynesboro for my friend Shelley's bridal shower. My mom and three of her good friends gave the shower, and boy did they work hard! They did such an awesome job putting everything together, and it was beautiful.
The fabulous ladies who did so much work and made so much yummy food! Kay, Sharon (Bekah's mom), Donna, and my mom.
Shelley, opening gifts. She and Bryan got lots of awesome stuff.
The HUGE table of food. They made everything and they sure know how to throw and awesome shower and feed a crowd.
Diane, Bonnie and Debbie (Shelley's mom)
Carly, Shelley's niece...such a cutie and getting so big!
Shelley with her bouquet of bows.

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