Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Highland County

After Shelley's shower, I traveled literally over the river and through the woods to Highland County, VA. Every year I travel out there and do a dance camp for their high school dance team. Highland County is a very small town...very very small. Everyone knows everyone, commercial stores or shopping and I had to go over 4 giant mountains to get there. Highland County is beautiful and I love going there every year. It is nice to get away from all the traffic and the people there are so nice. Unfortunately, since it is a small town it is difficult to get help when there is an emergency. We had a bit of a scare and had to call 911 during the first dance rehearsal while I was the adult in charge. I don't handle medical emergencies well especially in a town that doesn't have an emergency room. The closest ER was 45 minutes away and it took the ambulance 30 minutes to get there since they have to page volunteer in their homes to take the call. Highland is a small town but it is very spread out. Everything ended up okay and we ended up having a good camp.
This is the town sheriff on a tractor...yep that's right! I thought this picture was priceless!
Pictures with the varsity team. Unfortunately we didn't get one with the JV team.
Pictures of rehearsal.

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