Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Job!

I got word last week that I got a new job in Howard County. I am currently split between 2 schools and share a program with 2 different teachers. Since the schools in Howard are so large we often have 1 1/2 music teachers at each school. I am the 1/2 music teacher at each school. I also have a 1 hour and 15 minute commute. My new school is in a wonderful community, and it is the closest school to Frederick in Howard County. My commute will only be 25 minutes. I will have about 440 students, with my own program. I am so excited to be able to have my own classroom and my own program where I can implement new things. It is very difficult teaching students who have 2 music teachers because everyone does things differently. It makes it very nice to not feel like you're sharing a college dorm room again. I am excited to have a job a little closer and in a nicer community.

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