Sunday, May 9, 2010


Yeah, all we have is dog pictures these days. We're kind of excited about our little man. Flash has 2 speeds. Comatose and Psycho. We think we will get along with Cassie and Nala great when we go to Florida in June. Flash can fall asleep anywhere, anytime within a matter of 5 seconds.
Contrary to popular belief, he is actually asleep in this picture. One eye open, snaggle toothed and snoring loud as can be.
When Jason leaves for work on Thursdays when I am home, Flash spends the whole morning looking for him and then goes to sleep in him pile of clothes in the bottom of Jason's closet.


Erin said...

What a spoiled dog! Is he tucked in on the couch with his head on a pillow in the first picture?? I love it!!

Kristy Trueblood said...

yes he is....he is spoiled!!!!! He's a mess.