Sunday, August 16, 2009

Trueblood's visit to Maryland

Wes, Jason, and Kristy at church ruins at the top of the mountain
Jason and Debbie
This weekend, the Trueblood's came to Maryland to visit us and see our new house. On Sunday we went to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia to hike, and sightsee. While we were there, they had a Civil War reinactment...which I happen to think is a very strange hobby.
Harpers Ferry, WV
Jason and Kristy
Jason, Wes, and Kristy overlooking the Potomac
Debbie and Kristy
After much hiking, fun, shopping, and good food we came home to watch the PGA championship for 5 hours!!!! Debbie and I were not very happy, and were eagerly trying to find alternative activities.
Jason's happy golf watching face This is the boys watching Tiger Woods in the PGA championship....they look so happy.
Debbie was NOT happy about the PGA tour:)

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