Sunday, August 23, 2009

Old Pictures of Our House

So, now that I have actually figured out how to blog...I have a bit of catching up to do. These are some pictures of our house while we were moving in. It is still a work in progress. Since these pictures were taken, we have done a lot of painting, picture hanging, and I even taught myself how to sew, so we now have curtains....yes I have been a bit bored while Jason has been at work. This is basically what our house looked like about a week after our honeymoon when we moved in.
Master Bathroom
Master Bathroom
This is the master bedroom before we did any decorating or had a's GREEN now!!!
This is one of the guest bedrooms. The other guest room has no furniture and is currently a storage room. We are getting furniture soon though:)
Guest Bathroom
Breakfast room
The wet bar in the man cave
Jason hanging out in the man cave.

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