Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cooper's Room

Cooper's room is still a work in progress, but we started putting some things up on the wall, we got the crib skirt made and put it on, and also put up the window treatments. We still have some other things to finish but it is getting there.

 Shelves and madras window treatments.

 My mom was looking in their attic last week and they found a bag full of old baseball pennants that belonged to my grandparents. There were tons of them, most probably from the 1930's. We found a Frederick Keys pennant and also a Washington Senators and a Boston Red Sox pennant that we are going to hang up. Very cool addition to the nursery that we weren't planning on having. 

 Louisville Slugger

 Crib skirt
We still have some picture frames and the pennants to hang up, so more to come later.


Erin said...

The room looks amazing! You guys have done such a great job! Now you just need a sweet little baby boy in there!

ltrueblood87 said...

It looks awesome!! I can't wait to see it in person when we meet that sweet baby boy! Hurry up Cooper!