Sunday, March 31, 2013

32 Week Growth Ultrasound

This week we had our last ultrasound with lots of good news to report. Cooper is now 4 pounds and right on target. He flipped and is no longer breech which is great news too! The doctor said that everything looks perfect and that I have no restrictions as of now. All of his growth was right on target and he was in the 50th percentile for growth, which is exactly where they want him. So, we are done with the high risk doctor and the endocrinologist. This is also the last time we get to see him until we get to meet him, unless something goes wrong and they feel like they need to do another ultrasound. The doctor also gave us some 3D pictures which was awesome. It was so wonderful getting to see his face. It is amazing what they can see with technology now. They did the best they could with the pictures but a few of them have his hand by his face or the umbilical cord by his face, which distorts the photo a little since the 3D ultrasound is so sensitive. Regardless, we got some pretty awesome pictures to look at and we can't wait to meet our son!

 2D Profile pictures.

3D Pics!

 These 2 are a bit distorted because he has his hand by the side of his face.

 A little SMILE!

 I know...tons of pictures, but they are so cute!!!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Soooo cute!!!! Love the pics! I'm glad the appt went so well. Now a few more weeks and then you get to meet him!!