Tuesday, January 22, 2013


This weekend we worked SOOOOOO hard on getting the nursery together. We also decided that our little man is going to be Cooper James Trueblood. Cooper was my grandmother and grandfather's last name and we used Jason's dad's name for his middle name. We love it! Since his name is Cooper, we decided to do baseball as our theme for the nursery since the baseball hall of fame is in Cooperstown, NY.
We got so much done this weekend, it's actually kind of unbelievable. My parents came to visit and help out since I can't move furniture. We were so thankful to have their help. We moved the queen bed and all of the current furniture out, we repainted the room, put up a chair rail, put the crib together, put the changing table together, reorganized closets, and put the glider together, and I think I need a nap! We still have lots to do but it is a great start and we were so pleased with the way the room turned out.

Repainting the yellow room.

Changing table
Baby Crib

Wall decals...this was much more difficult than expected. It took forever!!!! I don't know whether I got a cheapo decal or what but it definitely didn't work the way it was supposed to. At the end it worked out fine, but it was TEDIOUS!!!!

Hand painting the baseball stitches.


1 comment:

Erin said...

The nursery is soo cute! You guys did an amazing job! Cooper is such a lucky little boy!