Saturday, January 5, 2013

Anatomy Scan

While Jim and Debbie were here we had our anatomy scan and found out that Baby Trueblood is Baby BOY Trueblood. I was totally wrong! I thought it was a girl. Neither one of us cared one way or the other. Now we are super excited to start planning and picking out nursery things. At the appointment they checked his spine, brain, kidneys, heart valves, sex organs, liver, stomach, and all of the pathways getting blood to his major organs. He has 10 fingers and 10 toes too. The doctor says he looks great and he weighs 12 ounces and is about 6 or 7 inches long right now. We are so excited! Those golf clubs he got for Christmas are going to come in handy one day!

Baby T- This is the best profile they could get while we were there. He kept moving around and they couldn't get a good shot. The doctor and the nurse started laughing because they had me roll on my side to get him to move because he kept putting his hand over his face. The nurse said "come one little guy, we need to get a picture," and with that, he rolled over and waved his hand at us and then rolled back the other way. The doctor said that definitely doesn't happen very often. We might have a clever little troublemaker on our hands.

Boy parts...sorry little dude!

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