Sunday, December 2, 2012


This year we went to my parent's house for Thanksgiving. We had a great time and we didn't hit any traffic either, which was a miracle. I was very productive too and got all of my Christmas shopping done. We had a very relaxing and quiet weekend with awesome food and family.

Obviously Flash has targeted my dad as the "sucker" who will always give him yummy food, so Flash is right next to my dad surveying the situation and quality controlling the turkey.

 Making sure everything looks okay. I think it passed inspection.

 Yummy Thanksgiving feast.

We had to get a few family pictures of the 3 of us since next year there will be 4!

Had to get a belly picture too. This is 14 1/2 weeks. Some of my belly is probably turkey and stuffing too though:)

My parent's backyard is probably Flash's favorite place because there is so much space to run and play. He had a blast playing frisbee and rolling in the grass.


Another Thanksgiving weekend tradition is the UVA VA Tech game. We had all of the neighbors over to watch the game. Of course my dad decided that Flash needed a seat beside him on the couch to watch the game. No wonder Flash loves it there!

1 comment:

Erin said...

It looks like you guys had a great thanksgiving! And I love the family pictures. You guys got some great pics!