Monday, December 3, 2012

16 weeks- Kids say the darndest things

So I am currently between 16 and 17 weeks and I go to the doctor for a check-up next week. This week all of my kids at school found out that I am pregnant. I had to ask parents for help during my concert season because I can't lift the risers and the sound systems like I did in the past. Well, news travels fast in that community when you tell 11 people. The next week everyone knew. I have always said that elementary school teachers should write books because the kids are hilarious. So as a part of my journal keeping while I am pregnant, I have decided to write down the funny things that students ask me or say to me. They are so honest.

"Mrs. Trueblood, you look fatter today than you did yesterday." (1st grader)
"I just have one question, how does that thing get in there, and how does it come out?" (1st grader)
"Of course, it comes out of her belly button" (1st grade)
"Are you too old to have kids, you are way older than my mom" ....scary right? (Kindergarten)
"Mrs. Trueblood, you keep making mistakes, I think this baby is making you crazy" (3rd grade)
"Is that baby still in there? How's it doing?" (1st grade)
"We would like to have a baby naming contest so that we can name your baby." (2nd grade)
"I think your child will hate recorders because if it can hear in there, we sound horrible!"(5th grade)
Right after having to punish a student he says "Whoa!! I can tell you're pregnant, your getting evil" (4th grade)
"If is it a boy you should name it Zack, if it is a girl, you should name is Mrs. Zack." (3rd grade)
"I don't believe that you are pregnant because my mom had babies and you are not as fat as her" (2nd grade)
"Who is going to be Mrs. Trueblood's sub because that baby is coming tomorrow!" (Kindergarten)


Erin said...

Kids comments are the best! Some of those are absolutely hilarious!

ltrueblood87 said...

Haha love this! I can't wait to read 8 months worth of these! Sooo funny!!!