Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lauren Comes to Visit

Lauren came to see us the week before we went camping. We were so glad she came and it was so much fun getting to spend time with her. Lauren and I got to hang out during the day while Jason was at work. We even made Kevin some very awesome and very complicated cookies and sent him a care package. I sure hope he appreciates the cookiesSmile  because they were QUITE the process. Lauren and I ruined several batches before we finally got it right. Eventually we got it right and had some that were acceptable to send…only the best for KevinSmile

On Saturday we had a birthday party to go to and Lauren was a trooper and came along even though she didn’t know anyone. Our friend’s Jim and Shannon had a birthday party for their daughter Taylor, who was turning 1.




Jim and Shannon also bought us a bushel of crabs for keeping D.O.G. for 2 weeks while they were in Vegas. Lauren got to cash in on the MD crabs while she was here.




We also took Lauren to Casanel. We took Danny and Erin there when they came to visit us and they loved it, so we thought we would take Lauren. We took a picnic and sat outside and listened to some live music and had a great Saturday.


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