Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Extra Long Drive Camping

After Lauren came to visit, we all drove to NC to go camping with the entire Trueblood clan, minus KevinSad smile We thought  we wouldn’t have any trouble leaving on a Thursday, but little did we know that Thursday is apparently dynamite blasting day on I 81 in Roanoke. So…we sat in traffic FOREVER!!!! Jason was on a business call and Lauren and I got out of the car and were walking up and down the road trying to find a place to go to the bathroom since we were desperately afraid we were going to be there the majority of the day. People were getting out of their cars, going for walks, playing games, throwing football…needless to say it didn’t look good for us, especially for 2 ladies who needed a rest stop desperately. Eventually we got moving and made it to Bravard and had a great time with everyone.


1 comment:

Erin said...

I can't believe the drive took you so long! That is miserable!