Friday, April 4, 2014

A Much Needed Weekend Out

After what has seemed like 10 years of horrible winter weather, we finally got a weekend outside with some nice weather, even though we had yet another snow day this past week after we returned from Raleigh. We took a picnic and went up to Casanel for the day to enjoy the weather. We really needed a weekend to chill out. The last 2 weekends we have been traveling for weddings and we have been attempting to house hunt during the week since everything is starting to come up on the market. House hunting during the week, after we both get off of work at 5:00 with rush hour traffic, a baby, dinnertime, and bedtime is interesting, challenging, and frustrating. 
We feel like we have to house hunt during the week since we are going to be away for the weekends because around here, things sell FAST. Basically, if you see something you like, you better bring your checkbook with you and be ready to sign a contract when you look at it. We have already had 2 houses that we have liked get scooped up within 5 hours of going on the market. It is a lot of pressure to make a decision like that so fast. Needless to say, we needed a weekend to get out without thinking about house stuff!

 First time hanging out on the grass. Not surprising since we haven't really seen our grass since Thanksgiving.

 This kiddo was into everything!!!!! Very determined!

We rolled up to the winery with quite the hot mess! Luckily, the owners, who we know, have a baby girl the same age as Cooper, so they got to hang for a bit.

 Eating his cheese at the wine for this one!

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