Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Day Dinner

 We always go to the O'Dell's house for Christmas day dinner when we are in town. This year was awesome! Everyone was home. I know that my mom and Sharon were so excited to have all of their kids home with all of our spouses and in one place. Rachel and her husband Paul came from Canada and Bekah and Doug came from Richmond. It has been a long time since we were all together and Rachel finally got to meet Cooper. Little Coop is spoiled wherever he goes! He got a mustache book and finger puppets from Bekah and Rachel knitted him a beautiful sweater! She is so crafty and talented! We had a great time and Sharon, Bekah and Rachel made delicious food as always!

All the kids, husbands, and Cooper

The O'Dells

Arehart Fam

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Arehart Christmas Morning

 This year we had Christmas morning in Waynesboro. We had a wonderful chilled out morning with yummy food and lots of presents. What a lucky boy Cooper is!!!! He is a little spoiled too. He of course had a ridiculous Santa onesie for his pajamas, which was AWESOME!!!! Also, he got a sled for Christmas...even better! We had a great first Christmas with our little boy!

 I hope the North Pole has more cooperative reindeer than Cooper does!

 The painting we got my parents with their house, that says "Grammy A and Grandad's House"

 Jason got a new golf bag....Lordy lordy, more golf stuff!!!!

 This was probably one of my favorite gifts for Cooper this year. My parents found my old glowworm  from when I was little in our attic. It was my favorite! My dad took the whole inside apart changed out the coils and got it working again for Coop. So, Cooper has my old glowworm all cleaned up and working again. Amazing and so cool!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013


The day Jim and Debbie left we packed up and headed to Waynesboro because a bunch of my friends from high school were going to be in town. Some of them I hadn't seen since our wedding. Since then we had all either had a kid, gotten married, or gotten engaged. We had a lot to catch up on!

Kristen, Sara, Taryn, Me, and Coop

 This picture cracks me up. Cooper is looking at my friend Taryn's son, Cameron, like "ummm... I don't think you're supposed to be doing that."

Trueblood Christmas Morning

Since Jim and Debbie and Wesley were here we pretended like Saturday was Christmas. We had a yummy Christmas Eve dinner and a wonderful Christmas Day breakfast. We had a great time watching Cooper open presents. What a spoiled little boy!!!! He got the hang of ripping open packages way too quickly!

Good Morning!!!!

Cooper, checking out the presents.

Santa was a little out of control this year....

 love this face....hanging with Uncle Wes.

Yum...Wrapping paper.

Mimi and Pops opening their joint gift from me, Jason, Cooper, Danny, Erin, Emmy, and Cameron:)

Cooper man was tuckered out and napping
Playing with Mimi

Look at that living room!!!!!!

Cooper with Mimi in his new wagon
Beep Beep!!! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mimi, Pops, and Uncle Wes Visit

We were excited to have Mimi, Pops, and Uncle Wes come visit. They hadn't seen Cooper since he was 5 weeks old, so it was great for them to see how much Cooper has changed over the last 6 months. Jason and I still had to work so Cooper got 3 weeks off of daycare and got to hang out with Mimi, Pops, and Wes during the day. Cooper also learned how to sit up by himself while everyone was here visiting!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What a crazy week!!!!!!

We had such a crazy week this week. We got unexpected snow which ended up canceling all of my concerts, dress rehearsals, and the rehearsal with our accompanist at school.  We ended up having to have the band, strings, handbells, and chorus concert all thrown into one night the day we got back to school. What a logistical mess! The kids never got to rehearse any of their music with the accompanist and we really flew by the seat of our pants. We pulled it off and made it work with over 200 kids and instruments! Sheesh!
Then after a super crazy concert week it was calling for more snow over the weekend. Mimi, Pops, and Wes came early on Friday to avoid the weather. Hope they didn't mind our house looking like someone shook it:)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We're in TROUBLE!!!

On one of my days off for snow, I started wrapping Christmas gifts. Cooper has recently started scooting. I turned around for 30 seconds to let Flash inside and Cooper scooted across the room and started tearing the packages open and eating the paper!!!!! Oh boy!