Thursday, October 13, 2011

St. Louis- (Zoo, Art Museum, Golfing)


Last weekend we went to Lauren and Johnny Wright’s wedding in St. Louis. Johnny and his family are very close family friends. They had quite the elaborate and beautiful wedding weekend. The wedding weekend started Thursday with a happy hour at the bar that they met at and them Friday was a round of golf for the guys. While the guys were golfing at a beautiful course in Forest Park, my mom and I decided to do a little sightseeing. Since this was our first time in St. Louis, we decided that we needed to check out as much as possible while we were there. All of our sightseeing plus all of the wedding activities made for a very full and very busy awesome weekend.


St. Louis has one of the top 5 Zoos in the country and they have the best penguin exhibit in the world. I have never seen a real penguin, so of course I needed to check that out. It was just like the movie Happy Feet!





While we were in town, we were lucky enough to see the Monet exhibit. I really enjoy Monet because of the connection to music  and how music influences much of his work. The museum had his Water Lilies Triptych and it was the first time that all three painting of that work had been together since Monet’s death. They told us at the museum that this probably would not happen again in my lifetime, so I was very excited to get to see that exhibit.


1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm so jealous that you went to the zoo. I have heard it is amazing!