Thursday, October 13, 2011

St. Louis- The Wedding

Lauren and Johnny’s wedding was absolutely beautiful. Lauren is a little more non-traditional but really put together some of the most beautiful and interesting wedding decorations that I have ever seen. Lauren looked beautiful and the wedding was absolutely amazing.They had some of the most unique and fun ideas. They had a limo bus for all of their guests so no one had to drive and instead of a guest book, they had a photo booth and guests took one picture with them and put one in an album with their wedding wishes on the back so they had a photo of everyone at their wedding. One of her bridesmaids was Laura Planck who is currently on Project Runway.

They got married at a beautiful building in Forest Park called the Jewel Box, which is an all glass building with beautiful gardens and sculptures.


The beautiful bride. Her dress was absolutely gorgeous.


The reception was at the Top of the Met, which is the tallest building in St. Louis, overlooking the entire city.



The skyline.


1 comment:

Erin said...

What a beautiful wedding! You guys look great!