Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our Nephew Cameron Daniel Trueblood! CONGRATULATIONS DANNY AND ERIN!!!

I had to steal a few pictures from Erin’s blog to show off the beautiful baby to my family. I know everyone is anxious to see him. On January 3rd, Danny and Erin had a beautiful, healthy baby boy, Cameron. We are so excited for them and they look fantastic in all of their pictures. We can’t wait to meet the little guy. He is already so handsome!


The happy parents with Cameron.


Danny with Cameron. Jason and I still think it is so weird to see Danny as a daddy. I don’t think it has set in yet.


Bringing home the little cutie pie.



Erin said...

It is weird to think of Danny as a dad! But he is so sweet with him! We can't wait for you to meet Cameron!

ltrueblood87 said...

You are going to love him the minute you meet him if you don't already! I don't want to leave!